Update on the building May 2024
In November we appointed Stuart Allan of Simpson and Brown as our church architect. He began by conducting a Quinqennial review of all our properties. From this we have drawn up a list of urgent works at St James needed to make the building safe and watertight. We will proceed with these shortly as a phase 1 project while we start to raise funds for the subsequent phases. We are aiming for a building that provides a warm, light, flexible space, mindful of the SEC’s target to be carbon net zero by 2030. If you would like further updates on the building project, watch this space. If you would like to get involved with fundraising or make a donation toward the redevelopment, please email stjamesgoldenacre@gmail.com
In the meantime, whilst the old church is closed, we continue to worship in the hall on Sundays at 11am and have created a Peace Garden at the front of church for the local community to enjoy.
Update on the building: November 2023
The Vestry have unanimously agreed that patching up the building is no longer the best way forward. We are in the process of appointing a heritage architect and will be working towards renovation of the church in the New Year. In the meantime, we continue to meet in the hall where we will be nice and cosy for the winter.
Our services continue in the hall as usual at 11am on Sunday mornings, and 10.30am on Wednesday mornings for reflection and prayer in the Sitting Room.
The church remains closed. Please do not enter for any reason. We are monitoring the plaster fall and taking care of the murals while we make plans.
Original message June 2023
We have a beautiful historic church at St James, but elderly buildings come with their own challenges! This week some plaster fell off the ceiling in the nave. No one was present when it happened and no one was hurt. We are taking professional advice and are addressing the problem as quickly as possible. However, in the meantime our top priority is to keep everyone safe. Please note that NOBODY may enter the worship space until further notice and our services will be held in the hall until we have professional assurance that the rest of the ceiling is safe. Services will continue as normal with Communion at 11am on Sundays in the hall.
The Wednesday reflection group is now on holiday and will resume on Wednesday 6th September at 10.30am in the Sitting Room.

Revd. Jane MacLaren

Priest-in-charge St Philips and St James Goldenacre
57B Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5PX



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