Sunday Worship
Our main Sunday service is at 11am. We currently meet in the church hall, while the needs of our elderly church building are being reviewed. Access to the church hall is down the left hand side of the church building. Please come as you are, and stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service.
Please see updated message from the Rector regarding the church building (May 2024)
Dates for your diary:
Wednesdays 10.30am Gospel reflections and prayers. Meet in the Sitting Room. 10.30am reflection and discussion; 11.15 coffee; 11.30-12 prayer. Come for any or all of it. Reflection on the coming Sunday’s Gospel reading. The group will take a break in July and August.
Join us on Sundays at 11am: Communion in the hall, tea & coffee afterwards.
Happy summer events coming up:
Put them in your diary now! More info to follow.
Sunday 21st July – bring and share lunch at Jane and Duncan’s
Sunday 25th August – fundraiser afternoon tea concert at church
We have a Facebook Page which has information and some photographs of the church’s activities. (The FB page is called ‘St Philip’s and St James’ Church Edinburgh’.) Please follow what we do and ‘like’ us!